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Ok, so it's not enough to just rebuild the engine and get it back on the airplane in good working order...  We decided to take advantage of the fact that everything was off the front of the airplane and add a couple of well needed project to the task list.

  1. Replace the baffling with a Plenum Box
  2. Reshape the Nose Bowl

Click on the above sections to see the details.

Plenum Box

Since the baffles were in bad shape anyway, why not spend a little extra time fabricating a fully enclosed Plenum Box to replace them and realize some additional benefits:

bulletImprove the engine cooling
bulletReplace the tacky, beat up baffles
bulletWeak baffle in lower front of engine
bulletEliminate strangely arranged bracing
bulletEliminate excess air from escaping elsewhere
bulletIncrease cruise speed... not that we're racing anyone
bulletJust plain looks cool!!

Nose Bowl

Since the air opening is different with the Plenum Box, we needed to reshape the Nose Bowl

bulletFit the air intakes to the new plenum box for more efficient airflow 
bulletMake the nose a little more aerodynamic 
bulletReduce the size of the opening for airflow 
bulletTake some height off the top of the cowling 
bulletRemove the split in the top of the bowl and make a stronger one piece unit 
bulletRelocate the oil cooler to a more efficient position


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